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The Maryland Insurance Administration encourages residents to be prepared for natural disasters by reviewing and understanding their insurance coverage and by considering the purchase of flood insurance. Natural disasters happen any time and any place; Maryland is no exception. In the last few years, Marylanders have sustained a significant amount of damage to their homes and personal property as a result of tornadoes, floods and hurricanes. While natural disasters are out of our control, you can take steps to lessen the exposure to these types of losses and ensure that you have the appropriate insurance to cover potential damages.
An Insurance Preparedness Guide for Natural DisastersSpanish: Guía De Preparación Del Seguro En Caso De Catástrofes Naturales자연재해를 위한 보험 준비 안내서
Insurance Preparedness Guide for Post-Disaster ClaimsSpanish: Guía De Preparación De Seguros Para Reclamaciones Posteriores A Desastres
Natural Disasters Preparedness Tips GuideSpanish: Consejos Para Prepararse Desastres Naturales
FAQ: Flood InsuranceSpanish: Preguntas frecuentes sobre el seguro contra inundaciones홍수보험 자주 묻는 질문
FAQ: Storm Related DamageSpanish: Preguntas frecuentes sobre daños relacionados con tormentas
FAQ: Hurricane PreparednessSpanish: Preguntas Frecuentes sobre Preparación Frente a Huracanes
Insurance Tips: Disaster Preparedness
Consumer Advisory: Insuring waterfront piers, docks, wharves and bulkheads
NEW Quick Guide to Safety Before, During and After Floods
Follow these Pre-Disaster Planning Tips: "What to do to protect your home and finances from damage"
Additional Resources:
Click here to visit our webpage
Click here to visit our webpage
Flood Insurance (NFIP)
State Resources
Other Resources
August 11View video HERE.View hard copy presentation HERE.
July 12View video HERE.View hard copy presentation HERE.
What to do after a disaster:
Flood Insurance Resources: