***ATTENTION*** The Maryland Insurance Administration has become aware of an insurance-related scam that predominantly targets small painting, construction, and cleaning businesses.​  ​Click here to learn more. Click here for Esp​añol (Spanish) or 한국어 (Korean)

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Watch out for "free roof" offers. The Maryland Insurance Administration is reminding consumers to proceed with caution when approached by roofing contractors with unsolicited offers to inspect your roof for damage in order to generate an insurance claim. Read our Consumer Advisory, click here.​​

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 Insurance Fraud for the Consumer

FraudScams.pngWhat is Insurance Fraud?

Insurance fraud artists steal billions of dollars each year from hardworking Americans. According to the Coalition on In​su​rance Fraud​, it is estimated that each household pays approximately $1,000 extra in insurance premiums each year to offset the cost of insurance fraud.

Fraud takes many forms: completing a false document, making a false statement, an agent pockets a premium, selling unauthorized insurance, exaggerating a claim, making a fraudulent claim. These actions are illegal and happen every day by organized criminals and everyday people alike.

Consumers are encouraged to report insurance fraud activities to the Maryland Insurance Administration's Insurance Fraud Division. You need not give your name. Simply call 1-800-846-4069 or print and submit the attached form by mail or fax. Our fax number is: 410-347-5350. Consumers may also email fraud referrals by sending completed for​ms to fraud_referrals.mia@maryland.gov.

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Resources and Guides:​

National and Federal Resources:

Cases and Statistics:​

The MIA works closely with the Attorney General's office for civil and criminal cases pertaining to insurance fraud and scams. 
  • ​Click HERE to view Civil Fraud Orders
  • ​​Click HERE to view Criminal Fraud Cases
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Watch this video to learn more about the Maryland Insurance Administration's Insurance Fraud Unit:


Below are​ links to short videos on​ insurance fraud produced by the Coalition Against Insurance Fraud​ 

Click here​ to watch recorded webinars or video content:​

