For Insurers

  Insurers (3).png​​​​ ​​​ Carriers:​ Click here to report a cybersecurity incident​​​​​


Cer​tified Reinsurers



Click HERE to Report a Cybersecurity Incident

The MIA released Bulletin 22-13​ to remind Carriers of the obligation to report a cybersecurity incident and to provide Carriers with instructions as to how to provide the required​ notice.​​

​For more resources on cybersecurity, visit:


Insurance Fraud

​​​For more resources on Insurance Fraud, visit:​

Health Benefit Plan Rate Filings

Market Conduct Annual Statement (MCAS)

  • ​​​Yearly Statements Located HERE

Mental Health and Substance Use Disorder NQTL Reports

  ​​Pursuant to § 15-144 of the Insurance Article, Annotated Code of Maryland and COMAR 31.10.51, on or before July 1, 2024, and every two years thereafter, each carrier subject to this law must submit an analysis report to the MIA for each product offered by the carrier in the individual, small, and large group markets. The reports must be submitted using only the forms and associated instructions developed by the Commissioner and posted on the Administration’s website. Reports should be submitted to the MIA via email at:

Final Template Reporting Forms, Instructions and Supplements for COMAR 31.10.51 for Reporting Year 2024.  

Notice of Security Breach



Personal Injury Protection (PIP) Coverage Forms

Premium taxes

Property and Casualty Insurer Services

Property and Casualty Rates and Forms


Related Services

Surplus Lines Insurers


​​Surplus lines insurers specialize in property or liability insurance in instances where it is unavailable from insurers licensed in the state. An insurer domiciled in a United States Jurisdiction that seeks approval as a surplus lines insurer must apply annually with the Maryland Insurance Administration to retain its authority. A list of eligible insurers may be found through the Company Search function.

Under the Dodd-Frank Wall Street Reform and Consumer Protection Act, a surplus lines broker may place non-admitted insurance with, or procur non-admitted insurance from, a non-admitted insurer domiciled outside the United States (alien insurer) provided that the insurer is listed on the Quarterly Listing of alien insurers maintained by the International Insurers Department of the National Association of Insurance Commissioners (NAIC). Select the alphabetical listing on the NAIC website then select Quarterly Listing of Alien Insurers to retrieve the most recent list.

Title Audit Reports
