Craig Ey, 410-468-2488 (O)
443-604-9599 (C)

What’s in Your Go Bag? Prepare an Emergency Kit for Hurricane Season

BALTIMORE− Forecasters anticipate that this year’s hurricane season, which started June 1, will be above average. The Maryland Insurance Administration (MIA) wants to make sure everyone is prepared to evacuate if they are in the path of a hurricane. Here are some of the essential items that you should consider having in case of emergency evacuation:

  • Cash: If the power goes out, credit cards won’t work. Keep cash on hand for replenishing supplies.
  • Medications: Pharmacies might be closed, and hospitals could be overwhelmed. Keep a backup supply (at least several days’ worth) of important medications like blood pressure medicine and insulin.
  • A Battery-Powered Weather Radio: If electricity is out and cell towers are down, this is your only way to know what’s happening.
  • A Gallon of Water for Every Family Member and Pet: Widespread power outages could make tap water unsafe to drink.
  • Important Documents: Social Security cards, passports, birth certificates, driver’s licenses and more could all be lost or destroyed in a flood. Keep copies of these documents in a waterproof container. Include a copy or at least the policy numbers of important insurance policies, including health, auto and flood insurance.
  • List of Shelters: In this time of social distancing, not all shelters are open. Be sure to make a list of shelters where you can retreat. If you have a pet, make sure they are pet friendly. Not all shelters welcome pets.
  • A Change of Clothes: If you are away from your home for a few days, you will want to have a change of clothes.

To learn about additional items you should include in your go-bag, visit the National Association of Insurance Commissioners (NAIC) Go-Bag Resource.

Special Note: The Maryland Insurance Administration remains fully operational during the COVID-19 emergency. If you would like to file an insurance complaint, please use our online portal: https://enterprise.insurance.maryland.gov/consumer/ConsumerPortalWelcomePage.aspx.

About the Maryland Insurance Administration
The Maryland Insurance Administration is an independent State agency charged with regulating Maryland’s $28.5 billion insurance industry. For more information about the Insurance Administration, please visit www.insurance.maryland.gov or follow us on Facebook at www.facebook.com/MDInsuranceAdmin, Twitter at @MD_Insurance, LinkedIn at www.linkedin.com/company/maryland-insurance-administration or Instagram at @marylandinsuranceadmin.