Responsible for the coordination and development of policy for the agency and the Commissioner. Responsibilities in this area are concentrated in the following main roles:
The Maryland Insurance Commissioner ensures that all insurance laws of the state are faithfully executed by conducting examinations and resolving consumer complaints. The Commissioner authorizes and licenses insurance companies, producers, adjusters, and advisors for fire, casualty, life, accident, health, title, bail bonds, and other insurance and annuities. The Commissioner also approves all insurance policies offered for sale in Maryland by authorized companies, authorizes rating bureaus and advisory organizations, and approves or rejects the rates for most lines of insurance.
Acting Commissioner's
Marie Grant
Deputy Commissioner
The Deputy Commissioner assists the Commissioner in supervising and managing Maryland Insurance Administration duties and operations.
Deputy Commissioner's Biography
Joy Y. Hatchette
Associate Deputy Commissioner
The Associate Deputy Commissioner serves as an Agency Hearings Officer and is the Fair Practices Officer, chairs certain committees, and leads a variety of special projects and agency initiatives, as assigned and also manages the Insurance Administration's engagement with various working groups and task forces at the state and national level.
Associate Deputy Commissioner
Tammy R.J. Longan
Chief Hearings Officer
The Chief Hearings Officer acts as the Commissioner's designee for all quasi-judicial hearings, including appeals of consumer complaint determinations and other decisions by the agency's units, adjudicates cases asserting absence of good faith against insurers and leads special projects and otherwise assists the Commissioner as requested.
Chief Hearings Officer
Erica Bailey
Associate Commissioner, Operations
The Associate Commissioner of operations supervises and manages the Administrative section within the Office of the Commissioner, including Human Resources, Information Technology, Procurement, Fiscal Services and Facilities management.
Associate Commissioner, Operations
Sean McEvoy
For more information about this section or the units listed above, refer to the Annual Report.