Joseph Sviatko, 410-468-2458 (O)

Insurance Commissioner to Visit Prince George’s County to Hear Citizen Concerns on Life and Health Insurance

Town Hall Meeting to be held Tuesday, August 9th, in Cheverly

BALTIMORE – Maryland Insurance Commissioner Al Redmer, Jr. continues a series of town hall meetings across Maryland to hear from consumers, business owners and regulated entities related to changes in the life and health insurance industry. The fourth meeting will be held on Tuesday, August 9, 2016 in Prince George’s County from 10:00 a.m. until noon.
Commissioner Redmer will conduct the public meeting at the Cheverly Town Hall, 6401 Forest Road, Cheverly, MD 20785. The Executive Director of the Maryland Health Benefit Exchange, Carolyn Quattrocki will also be participating in the town hall meetings. Topics to be covered include the Affordable Care Act, changes to employee benefit plans, medical stop-loss insurance and experiences with the Maryland Health Benefit Exchange.
“As Maryland’s Insurance Commissioner, I am very interested in gathering information and opinions about the State’s life and health insurance climate,” Commissioner Redmer said. “In this series of forums, we are reaching out to consumers, business owners and insurance entities to hear opinions, questions and concerns about any recent changes in the health insurance market.”
The Commissioner and his staff will be available for interviews with the media. If you have specific questions about this meeting, please contact Nancy Egan, Director of Government Relations and External Affairs (nancy.egan@maryland.gov). If you plan on attending the meeting, please RSVP to Zach Peters, Special Projects Assistant at zachary.peters@maryland.gov.
About the Maryland Insurance Administration
The Maryland Insurance Administration is an independent State agency charged with regulating Maryland’s $28.5 billion insurance industry. For more information about the Insurance Administration, please visit www.insurance.maryland.gov or follow us on Facebook at www.facebook.com/MDInsuranceAdmin or Twitter at @MD_Insurance.
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